Live Intentionally,
Freely &


I help First Responders shift from “responding” to every life event as a 911 call,

back to living life with friends and family separate from the uniform.

I help you get back on track by taking you through a curriculum, think of it as Back to the Academy...

The L.I.F.E. Academy

You’ve mastered the skills for the J.O.B.

It’s time to master the skills of L.I.F.E.

If you're ready to take that next small step forward, let's meet for a 30 minute call over coffee.

Click Here to Find Time for Coffee

What is Coaching?


What Makes a Great Coach?


As a career firefighter and chief officer, I have learned that occupational stress is an ongoing concern for anyone in the First Responder field, and learning how to minimize that stress as a routine part of your program is crucial.

Post-Traumatic Stress Injuries are brutal, not only for the injured but also to their family, friends, and co-workers. Everyone in that circle is impacted. That is what makes PTSI different from a broken leg. It can't be seen, but the ripple effect has a far reach.

I don't have all the answers. My recovery from my own PTS is still a work in progress. However, having a skilled therapist as part of your recovery team is very important. I can't stress that enough. Get one!

My mission now is to help people with Post-Traumatic Stress accelerate their own recovery efforts.

I believe wholeheartedly in Post-Traumatic Growth. Between the principles of High Performance coaching, and the application of habits such as gratitude and journaling, I was able to shave months off of my recovery journey.

Each path to recovery is as unique as the person.

Be patient. Be kind. Be strong.

Ask for Help.

Recovering is worth it.

Linda Green
Certified High Performance Coach

Let's have coffee - Click here to find time